Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fuck Musicians

Selling music to giant corporations is a popular thing for otherwise-respectable bands to do these days. So, I've added a sidebar list of musicians who can burn in artistic hell. Bill Hicks got my back:

(The mic-in-mouth thing is a pantomime of sucking Satan's cock. It'll make sense once you click on it.)

Help me add more.

1 comment:

  1. you find out not what you can keep your mind on but what you can't keep your mind off: mind, many sided, globe-like, rich with specification and contrariety, is secure from

    slogans, fads starved truths, and propaganda-defeats itself, meanwhile shoring itself up with sight and insight: how to devise a means that assimilates small inspirations into a

    large space, network, reticulation complex (almost misleading) but moved forward by a controlling motion, design, symmetry, suasion, so that harmony can be recognized in the highest

    ambience of diversity: in a single day, one may "hear" a small connection, an interesting phrase, but to what can each day's stock be added: what is the measure to accommodate the

    diverse impressions, moods, intuitions: in the right scope any fragment fits: since we can't, apparently, have whole motions of mind through the higher reaches (sufficiently

    impregnated with the concrete), we turn to the unit to represent the universal: but while we can hope to arrive at the definition of essence through the unit, we can never in

    that way satisfy the other capacity of the mind to achieve definition by ordered accumulations, massive suasions: if nothing shaped stays and shapelessness is dwellingless, where
    can we dwell:
    ~a.r. ammons



About Me

Author of Absent Receiver (SpringGun Press, 2013).